Run the Teleport Terraform Provider on Spacelift
You can use Spacelift with the Teleport Terraform provider to manage dynamic configuration resources via GitOps and infrastructure as code. This gives you an audit trail of changes to your Teleport configuration and a single source of truth for operators to examine.
This guide shows you how to use the Machine ID agent, tbot
, to allow the
Teleport Terraform provider running in a Spacelift stack to configure your
Teleport cluster.
In this setup, tbot
proves its identity to the Teleport Auth Service by
presenting an ID token signed by Spacelift. This allows tbot
to authenticate
with the Teleport cluster without the need for a long-lived shared secret.
While following this guide, you will create a Teleport user and role with no privileges in order to show you how to use Spacelift to create dynamic resources.
A running Teleport Enterprise cluster version 17.3.3 or above. If you want to get started with Teleport, sign up for a free trial.
admin tool andtsh
client tool.Visit Installation for instructions on downloading
- To check that you can connect to your Teleport cluster, sign in with
tsh login
, then verify that you can runtctl
commands using your current credentials. For example:If you can connect to the cluster and run thetsh login --user=email@example.comtctl statusCluster
Version 17.3.3
CA pin sha256:abdc1245efgh5678abdc1245efgh5678abdc1245efgh5678abdc1245efgh5678
tctl status
command, you can use your current credentials to run subsequenttctl
commands from your workstation. If you host your own Teleport cluster, you can also runtctl
commands on the computer that hosts the Teleport Auth Service for full permissions. - A GitHub repository where you will store your Terraform configuration and a Spacelift stack linked to this repository.
- A paid Spacelift account. This is required to use the
join method. - Your Teleport user should have the privileges to create token resources.
Step 1/3. Create a role and Machine ID bot
First, we'll create a Machine ID Bot for our Spacelift job to act as. We'll
grant it the terraform-provider
role, which automatically grants access to
every resource supported by the Teleport terraform provider.
Create bot.yaml
kind: bot
version: v1
# name is a unique identifier for the Bot in the cluster.
name: example
# The terraform-provider is a default role shipped in Teleport granting access
# to every resource supported by the terraform provider.
- terraform-provider
Make sure you replace example
with a unique, descriptive, name for your Bot.
Use tctl
to apply this file:
tctl create bot.yaml
Step 2/3. Create a join token for Spacelift
In order to allow your Spacelift stack to authenticate with your Teleport cluster, you'll first need to create a join token. A join token sets out criteria by which the Teleport Auth Service decides whether to allow a bot or node to join a cluster.
In this example, you will create a join token that grants access to any execution within a specific Spacelift stack.
Create a file named bot-token.yaml
kind: token
version: v2
name: example-bot
# The Bot role indicates that this token grants access to a bot user, rather
# than allowing a node to join. This role is built in to Teleport.
roles: [Bot]
join_method: spacelift
# The bot_name indicates which bot user this token grants access to. This
# should match the name of the bot that you created in the previous step.
bot_name: example
# hostname should be the hostname of your Spacelift tenant.
# allow specifies rules that control which Spacelift executions will be
# granted access. Those not matching any allow rule will be denied.
# space_id identifies the space that the module or stack resides within.
- space_id: root
# caller_type is the type of caller_id. This must be `stack` or `module`.
caller_type: stack
# caller_id is the id of the caller. e.g the name of the stack or module.
caller_id: my-stack
with the hostname of your Spacelift
with the name of the Spacelift stack.root
with the ID of the space that the stack resides within. The "space details" panel on the "Spaces" page of the Spacelift UI shows the ID.
Once the resource file has been written, create the token with tctl
tctl create -f bot-token.yaml
Check that token example-bot
has been created with the following
tctl tokens lsToken Type Labels Expiry Time (UTC)----------- ---- ------ ----------------------------------------------example-bot Bot
Step 3/3. Configure your Spacelift stack
While following this step, you will modify your git repo to:
- Configure Spacelift to authenticate the Teleport Terraform provider as a bot user using credentials generated by Machine ID.
- Create dynamic Teleport resources using your git repo.
Before continuing, clone your GitHub repository. In the clone, check out a branch from your main branch.
Configure Spacelift to authenticate as a bot user
Now that the bot has been successfully created, you now need to configure your
Spacelift stack to authenticate as this bot using tbot
and then configure
the Terraform provider to use the credentials produced by tbot
To help with this, Teleport publishes a custom Spacelift container image. This
image is based on the default image provided by Spacelift but additionally
includes tbot
Within the repository linked to your Spacelift stack, create
to specify the teleport-spacelift-runner
image and to
include a before_init
step that invokes tbot
to produce credentials:
version: "1"
- |-
tbot start --oneshot \
--data-dir=memory:// \
--proxy-server \
--join-method spacelift \
--token example-bot \
with the address of your Teleport cluster.example-bot
with the name of the token you created in the first step.
If you have multiple Spacelift stacks within a single repository, you should
note that using stack_defaults
will apply this configuration to all the
stacks within the repository.
To avoid this, you can use the stacks
key instead of stack_defaults
configure a specific stack. See the
Spacelift Runtime configuration documentation
for more information.
Declare configuration resources
Add the following to a file called
to configure the Teleport Terraform
provider and declare two dynamic resources, a user and role:
terraform {
required_providers {
teleport = {
source = ""
version = ">= 17.3.3"
provider "teleport" {
addr = ""
identity_file_path = "/mnt/workspace/tbot-output/identity"
resource "teleport_role" "terraform_test" {
version = "v7"
metadata = {
name = "terraform-test"
description = "Terraform test role"
labels = {
test = "true"
resource "teleport_user" "terraform-test" {
metadata = {
name = "terraform-test"
description = "Terraform test user"
labels = {
test = "true"
spec = {
roles = []
In the provider
block, change
to the host and HTTPS
port of your Teleport Proxy Service.
Commit your changes and push the branch to GitHub, then open a pull request
against the main
branch. (Do not merge it just yet.)
Verify that the setup is working
In the Spacelift UI, navigate to your stack, then to PRs. Click the name of the PR you opened.
You should see a Terraform plan that includes the user and role you defined earlier:
When running terraform plan
, Spacelift uses the identity file generated by
to authenticate to Teleport.
Merge the PR, then navigate to your stack and click Runs. Click the status of the first run, which corresponds to merging your PR, to visit the page for the run. Click Confirm to begin applying your Terraform plan.
You should see output indicating success:
Verify that Spacelift has created the new user and role by running the following commands, which should return YAML data for each resource:
tctl get roles/terraform-testtctl get users/terraform-test
Next steps
- Now that you know how to manage Teleport configuration resources with Terraform and Spacelift, read the Terraform resource reference so you can flesh out your configuration.
- To find out more about Spacelift's OIDC implementation, which Machine ID uses to authenticate to your Teleport cluster, read the Spacelift documentation.
- Learn how you can help achieve secure access for service accounts by sending anonymous Machine ID telemetry.