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Teleport Agent Architecture

Teleport Agents route traffic to and from resources in your infrastructure. This guide describes the architecture that enables Teleport to securely manage traffic through this pathway.

Teleport Agents are running instances of the teleport binary, and can run on any Linux platform (e.g., bare-metal, a Linux VM, a Docker container, or a pod in a Kubernetes cluster). It is up to Teleport administrators to deploy and manage agents, including on managed Teleport Enterprise accounts.

A single agent can run multiple services, and each service can connect to multiple target resources. For example, a single teleport process running on a Linux VM might run both the Teleport SSH Service and Teleport Kubernetes Service, which can connect to multiple terminal sessions and Kubernetes clusters, respectively.


An agent can run one or more services. The following agent services are available:

ServiceTraffic it proxies
SSH ServiceSSH traffic to the host where the service runs.
Teleport Kubernetes ServiceHTTPS traffic to and from Kubernetes API servers.
Teleport Database ServiceDatabase-native wire protocols such as Postgres and MySQL, plus HTTP-based database protocols such as DynamoDB.
Teleport Application ServiceHTTPS and TCP forwarding for internal web applications, with optional JSON web tokens. Signed HTTPS messages for cloud provider APIs.
Teleport Desktop ServiceRemote Desktop Protocol traffic to and from RDP servers.

Agents can also run the Teleport Discovery Service. The Discovery Service queries service discovery endpoints to list resources in your infrastructure, and configures your Teleport cluster to route traffic to these resources by creating dynamic configurations on the Auth Service backend. Agent services listed above can then proxy resources enrolled by the Discovery Service.


A Teleport cluster where an administrator has enrolled resources involves the following components:

  • Teleport Proxy Service: A stateless service that performs the function of an authentication gateway, serves the Web UI, and accepts client connections. On managed Teleport Enterprise accounts, this service is accessible at your Teleport account URL, e.g.,
  • Teleport Auth Service: Serves as the cluster's certificate authority, handles user authentication/authorization and issues short-lived client certificates.
  • Teleport Agents: Agents perform authentication against infrastructure resources, route user traffic to those resources, and perform protocol parsing.
  • Teleport client tools (tsh, Teleport Connect, and the Teleport Web UI): Connect to resources in your infrastructure through Teleport Agents and the Teleport Proxy Service.
  • Local proxies: In some cases, tsh spins up local proxy servers that authenticate to Teleport and forward traffic from client tools (e.g., database clients and AWS SDK applications).
  • Infrastructure resources: Teleport can protect access to self-hosted infrastructure as well as infrastructure managed by a cloud provider.

Teleport Agents to the Teleport Auth Service

The Teleport Auth Service runs a certificate authority that issues a host certificate to an agent when it joins the cluster for the first time. Read Join Services to your Teleport Cluster for the available methods you can use to join an agent to your Teleport cluster.

All agents in a Teleport cluster keep the Auth Service updated on their status with periodic ping messages. Clients can access the list of all agent instances in their cluster via the Auth Service API or CLI.

An agent's identity is represented by SSH host certificate it receives after registering withing the cluster:

Host certificate

This certificate contains information about the agent, including:

  • The host ID, a generated UUID unique to an agent.
  • A hostname, which defaults to the return value of the hostname command on the agent host, but can be configured.
  • The cluster name. On cloud-hosted Teleport Enterprise clusters, this is a subdomain of On self-hosted clusters, the default value is the hostname of the Teleport Auth Service, and users can configure this.
  • The agent's role encoded as a certificate extension. For example, the app,db role would authorize the agent to run the Application Service and Database Service.
  • The expiry time of the certificate.

The Auth Service also generates a short-lived X.509 certificate signed by the cluster's host CA, with the client's identity and routing information for an infrastructure resource encoded in it.

Teleport Agents to the Teleport Proxy Service

In most cases, when an agent joins a Teleport cluster, it establishes an SSH reverse tunnel to the Proxy Service. As such, users do not need to have direct connectivity to agents or the resources they are connected to. As long as an agent can dial back to the cluster's Proxy Service, it can be located behind a firewall.

When an agent establishes a reverse SSH tunnel to the Proxy Service, the Proxy Service identifies the agent based on its certificate. The certificate encodes the agent's system role (e.g., node,app,kube) and a UUID for the agent. When a dial request from a Teleport user reaches the Proxy Service, the Proxy Service uses the address of the destination resource to locate the appropriate agent, then proxies the user connection through the reverse tunnel associated with the agent.

Connecting to agents without reverse tunnels

It is possible to join Teleport Agents to a cluster through the Teleport Auth Service. Once an agent joins a cluster through the Teleport Auth Service, the Teleport Proxy Service dials the agent directly, without creating a reverse tunnel. This mode supports the following services:

  • Teleport SSH Service
  • Teleport Desktop Service
  • Teleport Kubernetes Service
  • Teleport Discovery Service

In direct mode, SSH Service instances act like OpenSSH servers that only accept client SSH certificates. Users can connect to SSH servers through the Teleport Proxy Service as a jump-host or directly:

Direct mode is designed for legacy use cases and only supports self-hosted Teleport clusters. We recommend joining agents through the Teleport Proxy Service and the reverse tunnel system unless this is not possible for your self-hosted Teleport deployment.

Agents to infrastructure resources

Teleport Agents route user traffic to and from resources in your infrastructure. Agents authenticate with infrastructure resources using a technique available to the target resource, often using a form of public key cryptography. A non-exhaustive list of examples is below:

  • SSH servers: The Teleport Proxy Service presents a certificate signed by the Teleport Auth Service, which the Teleport SSH Service instance running on the target host verifies.
  • Kubernetes clusters: If the Teleport Kubernetes Service runs as a pod in the target cluster, the service uses the pod's service account credentials to authenticate. The Kubernetes Service can also use a kubeconfig that contains service account credentials or authenticate to Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service clusters using AWS credentials.
  • Databases: For self-hosted databases, administrators must distribute mutual TLS credentials to database instances. For resources managed by cloud providers, Teleport takes advantage of identity and access management (IAM) solutions available through the cloud provider.
  • Windows desktops: The Teleport Desktop Service uses smart cards to authenticate to Windows desktops over RDP.
  • Applications: The Teleport Application Service forwards HTTP requests and TCP streams to target applications, with optional Teleport-signed JSON web tokens added to HTTP request headers. It is up to the target application to authenticate Teleport-signed JWTs.

To learn more about the mechanism an agent uses to authenticate to an infrastructure resource, read the guide to enrolling that resource in your Teleport cluster:

Clients to Agents

Client tools authenticate to Teleport Agents by presenting certificates signed by a Teleport certificate authority, forwarding traffic to the Agent through an SSH reverse tunnel established between the Teleport Proxy Service and the Agent. Clients need to retrieve a certificate, then connect to an infrastructure resource through the Agent.

Credentials for Teleport clients

When a user logs into the cluster with the tsh login command, the Teleport Auth Service uses the user certificate authority to sign the certificate. See Issuing User Certificates for more details on how it works. If the user authenticates via the Teleport Web UI, the browser retrieves a session cookie, which corresponds to a user certificate stored by the Proxy Service on behalf of that user.

In most cases, Teleport users must retrieve another user certificate in order to access Teleport-protected resources. The certificate authorizes the user to access specific resources, such as an application or database. The following table indicates how a user obtains this certificate for different kinds of resources:

Resource kindHow users obtain certificates
DatabasesThe user can retrieve a client certificate for before connecting to a database with tsh db login. The tsh db connect and tsh proxy db commands also retrieve certificates. The Teleport Database Service verifies the certificate when a user connects to a database.
Kubernetes clustersThe user runs tsh kube login, which updates the local kubeconfig to contain a certificate signed by the Teleport user CA. The user can then execute kubectl commands against Teleport-protected Kubernetes clusters.
ServersAfter running tsh login, the user receives a certificate that contains authorization information for servers. The SSH Service checks the certificate when a user authenticates to a Teleport-protected server.
Web applicationsThe user authenticates to the Teleport Web UI and visits a Teleport-protected application. The Teleport Proxy Service forwards traffic to the application along with Teleport-signed JSON web tokens that the application can verify. For HTTP API applications, TCP applications, and cloud provider APIs, the user runs tsh apps login to retrieve a certificate.
Windows desktopsUsers authenticate to the Teleport Web UI. The Web UI initiates a WebSocket session with the Teleport Proxy Service, which forwards traffic through mTLS over an optional reverse SSH tunnel to the Teleport Desktop Service. The Desktop Service forwards RDP traffic to the desired RDP server.

In most cases, users will receive certificates from the Auth Service via a connection to the Teleport Proxy Service. The Auth Service and Proxy Service connect to each other using mutual TLS.

Teleport Connect runs tshd, a tsh daemon that manages user certificates and kubeconfigs for the graphical client.

Connecting to infrastructure resources through agents

Teleport makes several client tools available for accessing infrastructure resources through agents:

After retrieving client credentials, these tools are authenticated to the Teleport Proxy Service and can send traffic through it to Teleport Agents. The protocol that a client uses depends on the upstream resource. See TLS Routing for how client tools perform protocol negotiation with the Teleport Proxy Service.

Depending on the upstream infrastructure resource a user wants to connect to, the tsh client tool may spin up one or more local proxy servers. These authenticate to the Teleport Proxy Service, then create a listener that accepts traffic from local client tools like psql and kubectl. A user can then connect to the local proxy with their client tool as though they were connecting to a remote resource.

Available local proxies

The following table summarizes the local proxies available through the tsh CLI:

tsh commandUpstream infrastructure resource
tsh proxy appHTTP and TCP applications
tsh proxy awsAWS SDK applications
tsh proxy azureAzure SDK applications
tsh proxy gcloudGoogle Cloud SDK applications
tsh proxy sshOpenSSH client traffic
tsh proxy dbNative database clients
tsh proxy kubeKubernetes clusters behind L7 load balancers

tsh commands that connect to resources often spin up the same local proxies as tsh proxy commands. For example, depending on the database, tsh db connect starts a local proxy before using a database client to send traffic to it.

Submitting audit events

Teleport Agents connect to the Teleport Auth Service through the Teleport Proxy Service and submit audit events at various moments within the life cycle of a user session, including when the user signs in, connects to a resource, interacts with a resource, and signs out. Agents interpret the wire protocol messages they forward to infrastructure resources in order to detect events.

Learn more about the Teleport audit events in the Audit Event Reference.

Further reading