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tbot CLI reference

tbot is a CLI tool used with Machine ID that programatically issues and renews short-lived certificates to any service account (e.g, a CI/CD server).

The primary commands for tbot are as follows:

tbot helpOutputs guidance for using commands with tbot.
tbot versionOutputs the current version of the tbot binary.
tbot configureOutputs a basic Machine ID client configuration file to be adjusted as needed.
tbot startStarts the Machine ID client tbot, fetching and writing certificates to disk at a set interval.
tbot initInitialize a certificate destination directory for writes from a separate bot user, configuring either file or POSIX ACL permissions.
tbot dbConnects to databases using native clients and queries database information. Functions as a wrapper for tsh, and requires tsh installation.
tbot proxyAllows for access to Teleport resources on a cluster using TLS Routing. Functions as a wrapper for tsh, and requires tsh installation.
tbot tpm identifyOutput identifying information related to the TPM (Trusted Platform Module) detected on the system.

tbot db

Connects to databases using native clients and queries database information. This is best used for testing and validation purposes; most users will likely prefer to connect their own databases to a local proxy using tbot proxy db.

Note that tsh must be installed to make use of this command.


-d/--debugEnable verbose logging to stderr.
-c/--configPath to a Machine ID configuration file. Required if not using other required configuration flags.
--destination-dirPath to the Machine ID destination dir that should be used for authentication. Required.
--proxy-serverThe host:port of the Teleport Proxy Service to use to access resources. Required.
--clusterThe name of the cluster on which resources should be accessed. Extracted from the bot identity if unset.

All other flags and arguments are passed directly to tsh db ..., along with authentication parameters to use the Machine ID identity to skip tsh's login steps.

Note that certain CLI parameters, for example --help, may be captured by tbot even if intended to be passed to the wrapped tsh. A -- argument can be used to ensure all following arguments are passed to tsh and ignored by tbot.

Additionally, be aware of the following limitations of tbot db:

  • tbot db connect requires a tbot db login for certain database types, like MySQL, so that additional connection parameters can be written to a local configuration file.
  • tbot db env is not fully supported.

tbot init

Initializes a certificate destination directory for access from a separate bot user. Allows for certificates to be written to disks other than a Machine ID client, configuring either file or POSIX ACL permissions.

Note that most use cases should instead use tbot's runtime ACL management by specifying allowed reader users and groups in the destination configuration.


-d/--debugEnable verbose logging to stderr.
-c/--configPath to a Machine ID configuration file.
--destination-dirDirectory to write short-lived machine certificates to.
--ownerDefines the Linux user:group owner of --destination-dir. Defaults to the Linux user running tbot if unspecified.
--bot-userEnables POSIX ACLs and defines the Linux user that can read/write short-lived certificates to --destination-dir.
--reader-userEnables POSIX ACLs and defines the Linux user that will read short-lived certificates from --destination-dir.
--init-dirIf using a config file and multiple destinations are configured, controls which destination dir to configure.
--cleanIf set, remove unexpected files and directories from the destination.
--log-formatControls the format of output logs. Can be json or text. Defaults to text.


Example using file permissions.

The following command highlights how to set permissions with tbot through Linux groups, using the user and group jenkins:jenkins. If running tbot as the Linux user root, use the following invocation of tbot init to initialize the short-lived certificate directory /opt/machine-id with owner jenkins:jenkins.

tbot init \ --destination-dir=/opt/machine-id \ --owner=jenkins:jenkins

Example using POSIX ACLs.

If running tbot as the Linux user teleport, use the following invocation of tbot init to initialize the short-lived certificate directory /opt/machine-id with owner teleport:teleport but allow jenkins to read from /opt/machine-id.

tbot init \ --destination-dir=/opt/machine-id \ --bot-user=teleport \ --reader-user=jenkins

tbot proxy

Allows for access to Teleport resources via a local TLS proxy in TLS Routing mode. The tbot proxy command acts as a wrapper for tsh proxy to provide local proxy functionality for various protocols.

Note that tsh must be installed to make use of this command.

Consider using one of the following dedicated tunnel modes where possible:


-d/--debugEnable verbose logging to stderr.
-c/--configPath to a Machine ID configuration file. Required if not using other required configuration flags.
--destination-dirPath to the Machine ID destination dir that should be used for authentication. Required.
--proxy-serverThe host:port of the Teleport Proxy Service through which resources will be accessed. Required.
--clusterThe name of the cluster on which resources should be accessed. Extracted from the bot identity if unset.

All other flags and arguments are passed directly to tsh proxy ..., along with authentication parameters to use the Machine ID identity to skip tsh's login step.

Additionally, the following should be noted:

  • Certain CLI parameters, for example --help, may be captured by tbot even if intended to be passed to the wrapped tsh. A -- argument can be used to ensure all following arguments are passed to tsh and ignored by tbot
  • If no configuration file is provided, tbot will apply a sample configuration based on provided CLI flags. For this reason, it is recommended that settings are explicitly applied to a configuration file in production.


Example using OpenSSH

The following command forwards standard input and output over a proxy suitable for use as an OpenSSH ProxyCommand for SSH access:

tbot proxy --destination-dir=./tbot-user ssh alice@node:3022

In this case:

  • alice is the remote username
  • node is the Teleport Node name
  • 3022 is the remote SSH port, which is 3022 for Nodes running the Teleport SSH service.

Example using a Teleport-protected database

The following example opens a local proxy server to the given database. Your database client must still be configured with client TLS certificates:

tbot proxy --destination-dir=./tbot-user db --port=1234 example

In this case:

  • example is the name of the database server as it exists in Teleport
  • 1234 is an arbitrary port on which to run the proxy

Though not recommended, to avoid the need for additional client authentication, the --tunnel flag may be used to perform authentication at the local proxy rather than within your client:

tbot proxy --destination-dir=./tbot-user db --tunnel --port=1234 example

Note that this decreases security:

  • It allows any user on the system to access the database via localhost.
  • Your connection to the database will be unencrypted until it reaches the tbot proxy running on localhost.

Refer to the database guide for more information on using database proxies.


-d/--debugEnable verbose logging to stderr.
-c/--configPath to a configuration file.
-a/--auth-serverAddress of the Teleport Auth Service. Prefer using --proxy-server where possible
--proxy-serverAddress of the Teleport Proxy Server.
--tokenA bot join token, if attempting to onboard a new bot; used on first connect. Can also be an absolute path to a file containing the token.
--ca-pinCA pin to validate the Teleport Auth Service; used on first connect.
--data-dirDirectory to store internal bot data. In production environments access to this directory should be limited only to an isolated linux user as an owner with 0600 permissions.
--destination-dirDirectory to write short-lived machine certificates.
--certificate-ttlTTL of short-lived machine certificates.
--renewal-intervalInterval at which short-lived certificates are renewed; must be less than the certificate TTL.
--join-methodMethod to use to join the cluster. Can be token or iam.
--oneshotIf set, quit after the first renewal.

tbot configure

The tbot configure command is used to convert a tbot start CLI call into a YAML configuration file. It supports all the same subcommands and flags as tbot start, but prints an equivalent configuration instead of starting a bot.

For example, consider this tbot start identity CLI call:

tbot start identity \ --destination=./example \ --join-method=token \ --token=foo \

To convert this CLI command into a configuration file, replace tbot start with tbot configure:

tbot configure identity \ --destination=./example \ --join-method=token \ --token=foo \

An equivalent YAML configuration will be printed, which can be written to a file. The client can then be started using this configuration file:

tbot configure identity \ --destination=./example \ --join-method=token \ --token=foo \ > tbot.yaml
tbot start -c tbot.yaml


This subcommand supports one additional flag beyond its tbot start equivalent:

-o/--outputIf set, writes the generated configuration to the given file path instead of stdout.

tbot start

The tbot start family of commands starts the Machine ID client in various modes, depending on the type of resources to be accessed:

If only tbot start is specified, tbot start legacy will be inferred by default; this is the correct mode for use with a YAML configuration file.

Common Start Flags

These flags are available to all tbot start commands. Note that tbot start legacy supports slightly different options, so refer to its specific section for details when using a YAML config file or legacy output.

-d/--debugEnable verbose logging to stderr.
--[no-]fipsWhether to run tbot in FIPS compliance mode. This requires the FIPS tbot binary.
--log-formatControls the format of output logs. Can be json or text. Defaults to text.
-a/--auth-serverAddress of the Teleport Auth Service. Prefer using --proxy-server where possible.
--proxy-serverAddress of the Teleport Proxy Server.
--tokenA bot join token or path to file with token value, if attempting to onboard a new bot; used on first connect.
--ca-pinCA pin to validate the Teleport Auth Service; used on first connect.
--certificate-ttlTTL of short-lived machine certificates.
--renewal-intervalInterval at which short-lived certificates are renewed; must be less than the certificate TTL.
--join-methodMethod to use to join the cluster. One of: azure, circleci, gcp, github, gitlab, iam, kubernetes, spacelift, token, tpm, terraform_cloud
--[no-]oneshotIf set, quit after the first renewal.
--diag-addrIf set and the bot is in debug mode, a diagnostics service will listen on specified address.
--storageA destination URI for tbot's internal storage, e.g. file:///foo/bar. See Destination URIs for more info.

tbot start legacy

Starts the Machine ID client tbot, fetching and writing certificates to disk at a set interval. This command either starts from a configuration file if -c is specified, or starts with a default, legacy-compatible identity output.

This is the default tbot start subcommand if no other command is specified. Unless using a configuration file, consider using tbot start identity or another dedicated mode instead.


-d/--debugEnable verbose logging to stderr. Can also be configured using the TBOT_DEBUG environment variable.
-c/--configPath to a tbot configuration file. Mutually exclusive with --config-string. Can also be configured with the TBOT_CONFIG_PATH environment variable.
--config-stringAllows the tbot configuration to be provided as a base 64 string directly via this flag or the TBOT_CONFIG environment variable. Mutually exclusive with --config
--[no-]fipsWhether to run tbot in FIPS compliance mode. This requires the FIPS tbot binary.
-a/--auth-serverAddress of the Teleport Auth Service. Prefer using --proxy-server where possible
--proxy-serverAddress of the Teleport Proxy Server.
--tokenA bot join token, if attempting to onboard a new bot; used on first connect. Can also be an absolute path to a file containing the token.
--ca-pinCA pin to validate the Teleport Auth Service; used on first connect.
--data-dirDirectory to store internal bot data. In production environments access to this directory should be limited only to an isolated linux user as an owner with 0600 permissions.
--destination-dirDirectory to write short-lived machine certificates.
--certificate-ttlTTL of short-lived machine certificates.
--renewal-intervalInterval at which short-lived certificates are renewed; must be less than the certificate TTL.
--join-methodMethod to use to join the cluster. Can be token, azure, circleci, gcp, github, gitlab or iam.
--oneshotIf set, quit after the first renewal.
--log-formatControls the format of output logs. Can be json or text. Defaults to text.


tbot start \ --data-dir=/var/lib/teleport/bot \ --destination-dir=/opt/machine-id \ --token=00000000000000000000000000000000 \ --join-method=token \ --ca-pin=sha256:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 \

tbot start identity

Starts the Machine ID client tbot with an identity output, fetching and writing certificates at a regular interval to the output specified with --destination.

tbot start identity --destination=DESTINATION [<flags>]


In addition to the common tbot start flags, this command supports these additional flags:

--destinationA destination URI, such as file:///foo/bar. See Destination URIs for more info. Required.
--reader-userAn additional user name or UID that should be allowed by ACLs to read this destination. Only valid for file destinations on Linux.
--reader-groupAn additional group name or GID that should be allowed by ACLs to read this destination. Only valid for file destinations on Linux.
--clusterThe name of a specific cluster for which to issue an identity if using a leaf cluster


To start a bot with a one-time-use join token:

tbot start identity \ \ --join-type=token \ --token=TOKEN \ --destination=./tbot-user \ --storage=./tbot-data

tbot start database

Starts the Machine ID client tbot with a database output, fetching and writing database certificates at a regular interval to the output specified with --destination.

tbot start database --destination=DESTINATION --service=SERVICE --username=USERNAME --database=DATABASE [<flags>]


In addition to the common tbot start flags, this command supports these additional flags:

--destinationA destination URI, such as file:///foo/bar. See Destination URIs for more info. Required.
--reader-userAn additional user name or UID that should be allowed by ACLs to read this destination. Only valid for file destinations on Linux.
--reader-groupAn additional group name or GID that should be allowed by ACLs to read this destination. Only valid for file destinations on Linux.
--formatThe database output format if necessary
--serviceThe service name of the database as it appears in Teleport and tsh db ls. Required.
--usernameThe database user name. The bot user must have permission to connect as this user. Required.
--databaseThe name of the database available in the requested service. Required.

tbot start kubernetes

Starts the Machine ID client tbot with a Kubernetes output, fetching and writing Kubernetes credentials and a kubeconfig.yaml at a regular interval to the output specified with --destination.

tbot start kubernetes --destination=DESTINATION --kubernetes-cluster=KUBERNETES-CLUSTER [<flags>]


In addition to the common tbot start flags, this command supports these additional flags:

--destinationA destination URI, such as file:///foo/bar. See Destination URIs for more info. Required.
--reader-userAn additional user name or UID that should be allowed by ACLs to read this destination. Only valid for file destinations on Linux.
--reader-groupAn additional group name or GID that should be allowed by ACLs to read this destination. Only valid for file destinations on Linux.
--kubernetes-clusterThe name of the Kubernetes cluster in Teleport for which to fetch credentials

tbot start kubernetes/v2

Starts the Machine ID client tbot with a Kubernetes V2 output, fetching and writing Kubernetes credentials to a kubeconfig.yaml at a regular interval to the output specified with --destination.

Unlike the kubernetes output, kubernetes/v2 allows fetching many Kubernetes clusters at once, as multiple contexts within the generated kubeconfig.yaml. If label selectors are used and clusters are added or removed, the list of clusters will be updated on the bot's next renewal. At least one selector - either name or label - is required.

Note that as with human users using tsh kube ls, only clusters the bot user has permission to access will be matched. Additionally, note that label selectors do not currently support wildcards.


In addition to the common tbot start flags, this command supports these additional flags:

--destinationA destination URI, such as file:///foo/bar. See Destination URIs for more info. Required.
--reader-userAn additional user name or UID that should be allowed by ACLs to read this destination. Only valid for file destinations on Linux.
--reader-groupAn additional group name or GID that should be allowed by ACLs to read this destination. Only valid for file destinations on Linux.
--name-selectorSelects a Kubernetes cluster by exact name match. Repeatable.
--label-selectorSelects many Kubernetes clusters by label match, e.g. env=dev,role=ci. Repeatable.
--disable-exec-pluginIf set, disables the exec plugin. Allows credentials to be used without the tbot binary.


First, run tbot to generate credentials:

tbot start kubernetes/v2 --destination=./example --label-selector env=dev --name-selector example --oneshot

This will fetch credentials for all clusters with the label env: dev, plus the cluster named example. You can then access the clusters using kubectl:

kubectl --kubeconfig ./example/kubeconfig.yaml --context get pods

You can inspect the generated kubeconfig.yaml to see which clusters were matched by the label selector.

tbot start application

Starts the Machine ID client tbot with an application output, fetching and writing application TLS credentials at a regular interval to the output specified with --destination.

tbot start application --destination=DESTINATION --app=APP [<flags>]


In addition to the common tbot start flags, this command supports these additional flags:

--destinationA destination URI, such as file:///foo/bar. See Destination URIs for more info. Required.
--reader-userAn additional user name or UID that should be allowed by ACLs to read this destination. Only valid for file destinations on Linux.
--reader-groupAn additional group name or GID that should be allowed by ACLs to read this destination. Only valid for file destinations on Linux.
--appThe name of the app in Teleport

tbot start application-tunnel

Starts the Machine ID client with a local tunnel to a particular application. This tunnel will run continuously and automatically refresh its certificates.

Note that this tunnel will be unencrypted. Be wary of the selected listen address, and prefer to use localhost or an equivalent loopback interface address when possible. Additionally, note that all users on the local system will be able to access this socket.

If you wish to tunnel multiple apps from one bot instance, use tbot configure application-tunnel ... to generate a configuration file and repeat the generated block under services: as desired.

This tunneling method is preferred over the legacy tbot proxy app.

tbot start application-tunnel --listen=LISTEN --app=APP [<flags>]


--listenA socket URI to listen on, e.g. tcp://localhost:1234. Required.
--appThe name of the app in Teleport

tbot start database-tunnel

Starts the Machine ID client with a local tunnel to a particular database. This tunnel will run continuously and automatically refresh its certificates.

Note that this tunnel will be unencrypted. Be wary of the selected listen address, and prefer to use localhost or an equivalent loopback interface address when possible. Additionally, note that all users on the local system will be able to access this socket.

If you wish to tunnel multiple databases from one bot instance, use tbot configure database-tunnel ... to generate a configuration file and repeat the generated block under services: as desired.

This tunneling method is preferred over the legacy tbot proxy db, and is roughly equivalent to tbot proxy db --tunnel.

tbot start database-tunnel --listen=LISTEN --service=SERVICE --username=USERNAME --database=DATABASE [<flags>]


In addition to the common tbot start flags, this command supports these additional flags:

--listenA socket URI to listen on, e.g. tcp://localhost:1234. Required.
--serviceThe service name of the database as it appears in Teleport and tsh db ls. Required.
--usernameThe database user name. The bot user must have permission to connect as this user. Required.
--databaseThe name of the database available in the requested service. Required.

tbot start workload-identity-x509

Issues an X509 workload identity credential using Teleport Workload Identity and writes this credential to a specified destination.

See the configuration reference for further information about the workload identity credential output and the YAML configuration file format.


In addition to the common tbot start flags, this command supports these additional flags:

--destinationA destination URI, such as file:///foo/bar. See Destination URIs for more info. Required.
--reader-userAn additional user name or UID that should be allowed by ACLs to read this destination. Only valid for file destinations on Linux.
--reader-groupAn additional group name or GID that should be allowed by ACLs to read this destination. Only valid for file destinations on Linux.
--[no-]include-federated-trust-bundlesIf set, include federated trust bundles in the output
--name-selectorSpecifies a WorkloadIdentity resource by name to use when issuing the X509 for a workload. Mutually exclusive with --label-selector.
--label-selectorSpecifies a set of labels to use when selecting WorkloadIdentity resources to use when issuing the X509 for a workload. Mutually exclusive with --name-selector.

tbot start workload-identity-jwt

Issues a JWT workload identity credential using Teleport Workload Identity and writes this credential to a specified destination.

The JWT workload identity credential is compatible with the SPIFFE JWT SVID specification.

See the configuration reference for further information about the workload identity credential output and the YAML configuration file format.


In addition to the common tbot start flags, this command supports these additional flags:

--destinationA destination URI, such as file:///foo/bar. See Destination URIs for more info. Required.
--reader-userAn additional user name or UID that should be allowed by ACLs to read this destination. Only valid for file destinations on Linux.
--reader-groupAn additional group name or GID that should be allowed by ACLs to read this destination. Only valid for file destinations on Linux.
--name-selectorSpecifies a WorkloadIdentity resource by name to use when issuing the X509 for a workload. Mutually exclusive with --label-selector.
--label-selectorSpecifies a set of labels to use when selecting WorkloadIdentity resources to use when issuing the X509 for a workload. Mutually exclusive with --name-selector.
--audienceThe audience for the JWT. Can be provided multiple times to produce a JWT with multiple audiences. At least one audience must be provided.

tbot start workload-identity-api

Starts the tbot agent and opens a listener for the local workload identity API.

The configuration for this service can be complex, and therefore, it is recommended that you leverage the YAML configuration.

See Workload Identity API & Workload Attestation for further information about the local workload identity API and the YAML configuration.


In addition to the common tbot start flags, this command supports these additional flags:

--listenA socket URI to listen on, e.g. tcp://localhost:1234 or unix:///opt/workload-identity.sock. Required.
--name-selectorSpecifies a WorkloadIdentity resource by name to use when issuing the X509 for a workload. Mutually exclusive with --label-selector.
--label-selectorSpecifies a set of labels to use when selecting WorkloadIdentity resources to use when issuing the X509 for a workload. Mutually exclusive with --name-selector.

tbot start spiffe-svid


The use of this command has been deprecated as part of the introduction of the new Workload Identity configuration experience. You can replace the use of this command with the new tbot start workload-identity-x509 command.

For further information, see the new Workload Identity configuration experience and how to migrate.


In addition to the common tbot start flags, this command supports these additional flags:

--destinationA destination URI, such as file:///foo/bar. See Destination URIs for more info. Required.
--reader-userAn additional user name or UID that should be allowed by ACLs to read this destination. Only valid for file destinations on Linux.
--reader-groupAn additional group name or GID that should be allowed by ACLs to read this destination. Only valid for file destinations on Linux.
--[no-]include-federated-trust-bundlesIf set, include federated trust bundles in the output
--svid-pathA SPIFFE ID to request, prefixed with '/'. Required.
--svid-hintAn optional hint for consumers of the SVID to aid in identification
--dns-sanA DNS name that should be included in the SVID. Repeatable.
--ip-sanAn IP address that should be included in the SVID. Repeatable.

tbot install systemd

Generates and installs a systemd unit file for a specific tbot configuration.


-d/--debugEnable verbose logging to stderr.
-c/--configPath to a configuration file.
--write Write the systemd unit file. If not specified, this command runs in a dry-run mode that outputs the generated content to stdout.
--systemd-directoryPath to the directory that the systemd unit file should be written. Defaults to '/etc/systemd/system'.
--forceOverwrite existing systemd unit file if present.
--nameName for the systemd unit. Defaults to 'tbot'.
--userThe user that the service should run as. Defaults to 'teleport'.
--groupThe group that the service should run as. Defaults to 'teleport'.


tbot install systemd \ --config=/etc/tbot.yaml \ --write

Destination URIs

Many tbot start subcommands accept destination URIs via the --storage and --destination flags.

file://A local directory destination, such as file:///foo/bar/
memory://An in-memory destination. Useful for internal bot storage if no persistence is required.
kubernetes-secret://A Kubernetes secret destination, such as kubernetes-secret:///my-secret

Plain file paths are also be accepted with no file:// prefix; these will be treated as directory outputs.

Note that tbot start legacy only supports directory output destinations via the --destination-dir flag, though it does support URIs for --storage. All other tbot start subcommands accept these URIs where relevant.