Workload Identity Attributes
Attributes are features of an identity which you can use with the WorkloadIdentity resource to create rules and template values.
These attributes come from a variety of sources, such as workload attestations
performed by tbot
or the attestation performed by the control plane when
Join attributes
Join attributes are sourced from the join process that the Bot underwent. These
typically allow you to identify the machine that the tbot
agent is running on.
The join.meta
attributes are not related to any specific join method, and
instead typically provide information about the join token that was used to
Field | Description |
join.meta.join_token_name | The name of the join token that was used to join. This field is omitted if the join token that was used to join was of the token method as in this case, the name of the join token is sensitive. Example: my-gitlab-join-token |
join.meta.join_method | The name of the join method that was used to join. Example: gitlab |
These attributes are present if the Bot joined using the Azure join method.
Field | Description |
---|---| | The subscription ID of the Azure account that the joining entity is a part of. | | The resource group of the Azure account that the joining entity is a part of. |
These attributes are present if the Bot joined using the BitBucket join method.
They are mapped from the JWT issued by BitBucket, for which further documentation is available at
Field | Description |
join.bitbucket.sub | The sub claim of the Bitbucket JWT that was used to join. |
join.bitbucket.step_uuid | The UUID of the pipeline step. |
join.bitbucket.repository_uuid | The UUID of the repository the pipeline step is running within. |
join.bitbucket.pipeline_uuid | The UUID of the pipeline the step is running within. |
join.bitbucket.workspace_uuid | The UUID of the workspace the pipeline belongs to. |
join.bitbucket.deployment_environment_uuid | The UUID of the deployment environment the pipeline is running against. |
join.bitbucket.branch_name | The name of the branch the pipeline is running against. |
These attributes are present if the Bot joined using the CircleCI join method.
They are mapped from the JWT issued by CircleCI, for which further documentation is available at
Field | Description |
join.circleci.sub | The sub claim of the CircleCI JWT that was used to join. |
join.circleci.context_ids | The UUIDs of the contexts used in the job. |
join.circleci.project_id | The UUID of the project in which the job is running.. |
These attributes are present if the Bot joined using the Google Cloud Project (GCP) join method.
They are mapped from the JWT issued by GCP, for which further documentation is available at
The attributes beneath join.gcp.gce
are only present if the Bot is running on
a Google Compute Engine (GCE) instance.
Field | Description |
join.gcp.service_account | The service account email of the service account that the instance is running as. | | The name of the GCE instance that the joining entity is running on. | | The zone of the GCE instance that the joining entity is running on. | | The ID of the GCE instance that the joining entity is running on. | | The project ID of the GCP project that the instance is running within. |
These attributes are present if the Bot joined using the GitHub join method.
They are mapped from the JWT issued by GitHub, for which further documentation is available at
Field | Description |
join.github.sub | The sub claim of the GitHub JWT that was used to join. | | The username of the actor that initiated the workflow run. |
join.github.environment | The name of the environment that the workflow is running against, if any. |
join.github.ref | The ref that the workflow is running against.. |
join.github.ref_type | The type of ref that the workflow is running against. For example, branch . |
join.github.repository | The name of the repository that the workflow is running within. |
join.github.repository_owner | The name of the owner of the repository that the workflow is running within. |
join.github.workflow | The name of the workflow that is running. |
join.github.event_name | The name of the event that triggered the workflow run.. |
join.github.sha | The SHA of the commit that triggered the workflow run. |
join.github.run_id | The ID of this GitHub actions workflow run. |
These attributes are present if the Bot joined using the GitLab join method.
They are mapped from the JWT issued by GitLab, for which further documentation is available at
Field | Description |
join.gitlab.sub | The sub claim of the GitLab JWT that was used to join. For example: project_path:mygroup/my-project:ref_type:branch:ref:main |
join.gitlab.ref | The ref that the pipeline is running against. For example: main |
join.gitlab.ref_type | The type of ref that the pipeline is running against. This is typically branch or tag . |
join.gitlab.ref_protected | Whether or not the ref that the pipeline is running against is protected. |
join.gitlab.namespace_path | The path of the namespace of the project that the pipeline is running within. |
join.gitlab.project_path | The full qualified path of the project that the pipeline is running within. For example: mygroup/my-project |
join.gitlab.user_login | The name of the user that triggered the pipeline run. |
join.gitlab.user_email | The email of the user that triggered the pipeline run. |
join.gitlab.pipeline_id | The ID of the pipeline. |
join.gitlab.pipeline_source | The source of the pipeline. For example: push or web |
join.gitlab.environment | The environment the pipeline is running against, if any. |
join.gitlab.environment_protected | Whether or not the pipeline is running against a protected environment. |
join.gitlab.runner_id | The ID of the runner that this pipeline is running on. |
join.gitlab.runner_environment | The type of runner that is processing the pipeline. Either gitlab-hosted or self-hosted . |
join.gitlab.sha | The SHA of the commit that triggered the pipeline run. |
join.gitlab.ci_config_ref_uri | The ref URI of the CI config configuring the pipeline. |
join.gitlab.ci_config_sha | The Git SHA of the CI config ref configuring the pipeline. |
These attributes are present if the Bot joined using the AWS IAM join method.
Field | Description |
join.iam.account | The identifier of the account that the joining entity is a part of. For example: 123456789012 . |
join.iam.arn | The AWS ARN of the joining entity. For example: arn:aws:sts::123456789012:assumed-role/my-role-name/my-role-session-name . |
These attributes are present if the Bot joined using the Kubernetes join method.
The attributes under join.kubernetes.pod
are only present if the bot is
running in a Kubernetes cluster with Projected Service Account Token support.
Field | Description |
join.kubernetes.subject | The fully qualified identifier of the entity based on the Kubernetes token. For a service account, this takes the form of system:serviceaccount:<namespace>:<service-account-name> . | | The name of the service account that the joining entity is running as. |
join.kubernetes.service_account.namespace | The namespace of the service account that the joining entity is running as. | | The name of the pod that the joining entity is running in. |
These attributes are present if the Bot joined using the Spacelift join method.
They are mapped from the JWT issued by Spacelift, for which further documentation is available at
Field | Description |
join.spacelift.sub | The sub claim of the Spacelift JWT that was used to join.. |
join.spacelift.space_id | The ID of the space in which the run is executing. |
join.spacelift.caller_type | The type of the caller that owns the run, either stack or module . |
join.spacelift.caller_id | The ID of the caller that generated the run. |
join.spacelift.run_type | The type of the run, either PROPOSED , TRACKED , TASK , TESTING or DESTROY . |
join.spacelift.run_id | The ID of the run. |
join.spacelift.scope | The configured scope of the token, either read or write . |
These attributes are present if the Bot joined using the Terraform Cloud join method.
They are mapped from the JWT issued by Terraform Cloud, for which further documentation is available at
Field | Description |
join.terraform_cloud.sub | The sub claim of the Terraform Cloud JWT that was used to join. |
join.terraform_cloud.organization_name | The name of the organization the project and workspace belong to. |
join.terraform_cloud.project_name | The name of the project the workspace belongs to. |
join.terraform_cloud.workspace_name | The name of the workspace that the plan/apply is running within. |
join.terraform_cloud.full_workspace | The fully qualified workspace path, including the organization and project name. For example: organization:<name>:project:<name>:workspace:<name> |
join.terraform_cloud.run_id | The ID of the run that is being executed.. |
join.terraform_cloud.run_phase | The phase of the run that is being executed, either plan or apply . |
These attributes are present if the Bot joined using the TPM join method.
Field | Description |
join.tpm.ek_pub_hash | The SHA256 hash of the PKIX formatted EK public key, encoded in hex. This effectively identifies a specific TPM. |
join.tpm.ek_cert_serial | The serial number of the EK certificate, if present. |
join.tpm.ek_cert_verified | Whether or not the EK certificate was verified against a certificate authority. |
Workload attributes
Workload attributes are sourced from workload attestations performed by tbot
when a workload requests an identity via the workload API. They may not be
present depending on your configuration of tbot
. See the
Workload Attestation reference for more
Attributes sourced from the Unix workload attestor.
See the Workload API and Workload Attestation reference for more information.
Attribute | Description |
workload.unix.attested | Whether the workload passed Unix attestation. | | The PID of the workload process. |
workload.unix.gid | The primary user ID of the workload process. |
workload.unix.uid | The primary group ID of the workload process. |
Attributes sourced from the Kubernetes workload attestor.
See the Workload API and Workload Attestation reference for more information.
Attribute | Description |
workload.kubernetes.attested | Whether the workload passed Kubernetes attestation. |
workload.kubernetes.namespace | The namespace of the workload pod. |
workload.kubernetes.pod_name | The name of the workload pod. |
workload.kubernetes.service_account | The service account of the workload pod. |
workload.kubernetes.pod_uid | The UID of the workload pod. |
workload.kubernetes.labels | The labels of the workload pod. |
User attributes
User attributes are sourced from the Bot or User that is requesting the issuance of the workload identity credential.
Attribute | Description |
---|---| | The name of the user. |
user.is_bot | Whether the user is a bot. |
user.bot_name | If the user is a bot, the name of the bot. |
user.bot_instance_id | If the user is a bot, the instance ID of the bot. |
user.labels | Labels of the user. |
user.traits | Traits of the user. |